Read Miko's full StickTogether Story below. Share your StickTogether Story for a chance to win a free kit for your community! We will be announcing two more winners this month!
"I unveiled my first StickTogether kit during my 2nd grade library class which happens to be an "inclusion" class. This means the class includes students with varying levels of needs (social, emotional and academic). There is an extra teacher assigned to the class to help meet the needs of the students. Sometimes differences are very obvious. What was so beautiful and fun to watch was the shared experience of placing the stickers onto the poster. The students were chatting so comfortably and supporting one another; joking and talking all the while. No obvious differences were evident at all. The kit was a perfect platform to bring everyone together - it was truly collaborative and built a sense of community. I have since shared this story with my administrator and other teachers who are all inspired as well. We can't wait to see the expressions when our first kit is completed!"
Miko Sanico, Wheeler Elementary School, Wahiawa, HI