StickTogether is much more than stickers and pixels. StickTogether is a product of our rich and diverse community. We feel honored by, and grateful for, everyone who is a part of the StickTogether community.
About Us
Our Story
StickTogether was created for MakerFaireNY 2015 with the sole purpose of engaging the maker community with a welcoming and inclusive community ‘maker’ project.
The rest our story is entirely thanks to the loyal, dedicated, and immensely creative StickTogether community of librarians, teachers, media specialists, counselors, activity directors, and other educators. These visionaries saw in our products a way to address basic needs and values that we could never have imagined for this simple concept.
Our mission is to provide inclusive activities where participants (ages 5-105!) can relax, be themselves, connect with others, and be part of something special. Hearing how this mission comes to life in your communities is what drives us every day.
We welcome you to our community and invite you to share stories, insights, and ideas for growing the StickTogether vision and mission.