Inspire Student Collaboration To Restore Our Earth

In April, we celebrate Earth Day on Friday the 22nd. The theme for Earth Day 2022 is “Invest In Our Planet”. The concept behind this year's theme is that this is the moment to change it all - the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on climate. Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, our livelihoods…together, we must Invest In Our Planet.

Earth Day 2022 gives us hope that if we collaborate we can restore our Earth. We want to challenge you to continue this theme throughout the entire year! Find several ideas on how you can inspire student collaboration to restore our Earth below.

Raise Earth Awareness With StickTogether 

StickTogether is the perfect activity for students to collaborate in an inclusive way that helps to celebrate all that we share on this beautiful planet. With StickTogether, students get to work together to honor the Earth, nature, the environment, and the intricate ecosystem of that beautiful 'blue marble' we all call 'home.'

Order one, or both, of our Earth themed images to bring up the conversation of Earth. StickTogether works great as an opening activity to get students thinking about the theme you will be teaching. As students work together, ask them to start thinking about ways they and their community could help restore our Earth. 

Browse The Education Resource Library At EARTHDAY.ORG

EARTHDAY.ORG is a wonderful place to start when looking for ways to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. The website offers a variety of resources to guide your lessons and activities on Earth Day and throughout the year. The resources can be adapted to a variety of ages and settings.

Advocacy Packs were recently added to their website and we highly recommend starting with the packs. They walk students through the process of implementing change in their community. The coolest thing about these packs is that they were created by students! To learn more about EARTHDAY.ORG’s Advocacy Packs click here.

Inspire School Community Change With Student Made Videos

Students can have a huge impact when it comes to influencing others in their community. Having students put together videos to help spread the word about restoring our Earth is a great way to get the whole school involved in making a change! We recommended that students start by researching and reading how they want to influence their school community to make a change. 

If you are looking for more ideas on how to make this idea come to fruition, read how two students from Two Rivers Magnet Middle School in East Hartford, Connecticut galvanized an entire school around environmental learning and action.

How are you inspiring student collaboration to restore our Earth? Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. And as always, feel free to send an email to

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