Our Newest StickTogether Product is Safe, Inexpensive, and – Virtual???!!!
If you’re reading this, you’re likely already familiar with our popular, engaging StickTogether mosaic sticker puzzles. As you know, they’re just like paint-by-numbers, but with thousands of brightly colored stickers on a grid. But with social distancing, it’s been a little harder to get groups together to share in the fun.
Never fear.
We’ve discovered a fun way to safely StickTogether with all of your friends while still having a blast. But this is “click” by number.
That’s right! We’ve created a “Virtual” StickTogether experience. Actually, we’ve designed 20 of them. Have we piqued your interest? We thought so. So here are the What/Where/When/Why/Who — and most importantly, the HOWs — of Virtual StickTogether!!
Virtual StickTogether takes the lettered grid system and just shrinks it to “fit” to your computer screen. Once you buy the kit, you’ll get a unique code. Get on a Zoom call with your friends, family, class or coworkers and get sticking! Can’t find a time to get together? No worries. Everyone can work on it a little bit at a time. You can assign each person a letter (which corresponds to a color) or come up with your own way to ‘play’.
When you get the code, you can also decide what the name of your puzzle will be. It’s more fun to keep the final image a surprise, so if you buy the “Sunflower” puzzle, name it “Jones Family Puzzle,” instead of “Sunflower,” so you don’t give away the final product. Want to extend the fun over multiple days? You can decide how many “stickers” each player can click each day. Participants can also leave messages on a group message board.
source: @HeidiLynnBenton
All of the fun happens online through the unique code from each person’s device's safety and comfort. Participants do not need to sign in. Only those with the private link can add ‘stickers’ to your Stickerboard.
Now! Haven’t we all been isolated for too long? And aren’t we done binge-watching for now? Let’s do something creative together.
It’s simple. And your friends and co-workers will think you’re super clever for discovering this fun, simple activity that can be done by anyone. It’s perfect for those Zoom Happy Hours, too!
You can share your puzzle code with as many people as you like. Only those with your link can work on your Stickerboard puzzle, and they won’t have to sign in.
Sometimes it’s just better to try something out, so for a limited time, you can even try the first virtual puzzle for free.
Just go to StickTogether. Your first Virtual Stickerboard is free with the code “Virtual.” After that, you’ll be hooked! Buy them individually for $5 or in bundles of 10 ($12), 25 ($20), 50 ($35), or 100 ($49). Right now, there are about 20 different images from which to choose and we'll be updating the gallery regularly with new images.
Please email us at virtual@letsticktogether.com if you have any questions.
Here are some sample gallery images now available:
Fall collection
- Pumpkin
- Trick or Treat!
- Welcome Back!
- Harvest Still Life
- Fall Barn
- Apples
- Fall Leaves
- Pumpkin with Candy
Scenic and Iconic
- Dot Dot Dot 1
- Happy Birthday
- Grand Teton National Park
- Liberty
- Sunflowers
- Flower Power
- Heart Rainbow
- Cat with Glasses
- Peacock
- Owl
- Cat & Dog
- Play Ball
- Surfer