Live to Love: Community Building at Calvary Church

 JT Zahradnik, the Director of Communications at Calvary Church in Muscatine, Iowa, was looking for “easy activities that all church members could engage with” when he heard about StickTogether in a Church Marketing facebook group. JT included a StickTogether Sticker Mosaic Puzzle poster in the community Halloween event.  “It was a hit.”

Calvary recently launched a 2020 – 5-year Campaign called Live to Love. Live to Love is about working with the community and having an impact in our community and our world. As part of this campaign, Calvary sponsors food and toy drives and works with the homeless and at risk. In 2021 they will be building affordable housing.

To create an engaging and inclusive way to spread the Live to Love message, JT turned, again, to StickTogether. We created a custom design of an art mural that had been created for the Live to Love campaign by the Calvary Creative Arts Pastor, Johan Umana.

Calvary has up to 2000 members attending services and other programs each week. The church staff mounted the poster on a rolling white board and placed it in the common area.  This allowed members to work on it before and after services. The activity was popular with all ages, including the youth group.

The image was kept as a surprise. Younger children worked the lower parts of the image, while adults and older family members stickered the higher regions. Excitement grew as the image came to life.

“Everyone participated! it was a great way to celebrate our church community and to bring different members of our community together.  Creating this image got everyone excited about the Live to Love Campaign!”  JT Zahradnik

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