
Thank You PLA! - A Review of the Nashville PLA Conference

We estimate that over 700 PLA members stopped by to see us at PLA!  Thanks for all ‘sticking together’ to create our...

Forging Strong Library Partnerships with StickTogether

  This year’s Public Library Association national conference in Nashville, Tennessee, will focus on celebrating innov...

Testimonial: The 613 Mitzvah Campaign

In early December we attended the installation of Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz as the new Senior Rabbi at the Westchester...

Gain STEAM by sticking with fun learning

In today’s busy world of after-school activities, 24-hour news cycles and constant screen time, it’s more important ...

Colorful Collaborations Bridge Differences for Kids on the Autism Spectrum

    We love hearing positive StickTogether® Stories from our customers—especially when projects help bring a classroo...

Creative Fun For All

  Teachers and parents looking for engaging, inclusive activities need a flexible option that can be enjoyed by chil...

Dreaming of Teaching Hands-on History

  Dreaming of Teaching Hands-on History In an age where attention spans are short and the latest streaming fad chan...

StickTogether for Employee Engagement

As the planner of this month’s staff meeting, these are the things you don’t want to overhear as you leave the confe...

Helping Senior Family Members with Mosaic Puzzles

StickTogether encourages inclusive relationships that foster interpersonal connections. Forming these welcoming con...

3 Ways To Promote Inclusivity In The Classroom

Inclusion means that everyone, regardless of their abilities, disabilities, or health care needs, has the right to b...

We ALL Scream for StickTogether! 3 Ways to Get StickTogether For Your Library, Classroom or School.

Our mission is to share StickTogether with as many communities as possible. We know how difficult it can be for scho...

Extra Creativity with Extra Stickers

Our StickTogether Customers are the BEST! They are always ready to share their enthusiasm, stories and creativity. Ch...
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A fun and interactive way to build community and StickTogether! Grab your bundle for the school year. Your first Virtual Stickerboard is FREE! Get yours now!

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